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Getting a Secured E-Signature and How it Works

In the last five years, the volume of digital transactions has exponentially increased around the world. Almost all businesses are involved in one online transaction or the other. The key aspect of such a type of online transaction is having a secure e-signature.

Obtaining an E-signature

Getting access to a secure e-signature is easy. Service providers like and offer such services.

To use any of these services, you will need your file in a digital format. This can be achieved using any office application that is at your disposal.

However, a PDF file gives you the best features and it is widely accepted as it restricts editing and enables viewing regardless of the type of device.

Uploading the PDF to

Once you navigate to the website, you can quickly upload the PDF that requires a signature affixed to it. By selecting the “Sign PDF” option you get to upload the PDF document via Dropbox, a URL, or your computer directory.

Once the document is uploaded, you can decide on the number of people to contribute and sign the document. If there are other people required to sign the document, you will need to provide their email addresses and names for them to receive an invitation to sign on the document. Once the recipient receives an invitation via their email, they can affix a secured signature together with their name.

Usually, the recipient will be given the required direction that helps them successfully sign the document by uploading or drawing a signature.

To complete the process, the recipient must accept and confirm the use of a secured online signature. Doing this automatically sends an email to notify you that your document has been signed by the other parties involved.

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